Anyway, changes.... We're looking at lots of things being different in the future at the Snark household. SB is leaving elementary school and going on to middle school. Concerns have been expressed about his ability to cope there and lots of meetings have ensued with psychologists, counselors, teachers, principals and parents. We're trying to come up with a game plan to get him started on the right foot, and we'll adjust it as needs be after that. I'm just hoping that the staff at the middle school is as wonderful as the elementary school staff we're working with now, because, just.... WOW. These are some caring individuals, who want the best for SB, and are working with us to see that that happens for him.
SG is finishing up her first year at a local community college. She had a wake-up call with her first semester, and thankfully learned and turned it around for the better with her second semester. She's taken a staff position with a church-based summer project and will be leaving us for two months this summer. It will be strange in our household, especially for me, as she's often my cohort in running around accomplishing my varied and sundry trips, shopping and such. Before she leaves, however, she's going to be watching my oldest's two children as she starts a new job herself! Of course, there'll be lots of shopping to gather the things she'll need for her summer job. And maybe she can get her fall semester of college planned and scheduled before she leaves. It'll be here before we all know it!
I mentioned my oldest above. She's amazing, as are all my kids (yes, I'm kinda prejudiced that way - aren't all moms??). She went straight from high school to motherhood and marriage, with 2 children almost back to back. And her husband has been deployed twice, already. So she's done a LOT of it on her own, too. Now, she's looking forward to doing something for her - getting out into the big, bad world of working - and trying it in a field that not a lot of women get into - the automotive world. It's a toe-hold, but it's a start, and I'm excited for her.
And me, I'm looking at the end of my career at my current job (after close to 25 years!), and trying to find something similar, possibly closer to home. I don't think I handle interviews well, unfortunately, which will make the searching for a new job even more troublesome for me. Even though I
And the mister? He's been really busy taking lots of courses for certification, and tending to his parents as they deal with their own set of changes - which I may talk about later, or I may not.
Suffice it to say - there's a lot going on around here!