There's one gentleman in my office who is currently driving me to distraction. Every time he comes into the office, it's like we're only here to serve him. He sits at his desk and calls out, telling us what we need to do for him. I've got news for you, Buster, you're a consultant, just like the other lady and myself. We work at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the company that we're trying to wind down and close.
My most recent, and biggest, complaint about him is that the last time he came to work (he only works ONE day a week), he couldn't access his Verizon email account. So he came out to my desk to use my computer. And proceeded to complain about how slow my computer was. So when our IT guy came in (and he's another piece of work, himself), he asked him to do "something" to my computer to clean it up or speed it up. Since there's no space around my desk for people to hover, I walked away and didn't see what he did - not like I'd understand it anyway! But, and here's why I'm still blowing steam from my ears, the next time I got on my computer, something popped up on my screen about running a security scan. Not having seen what was done, I clicked on it. Yes, you read that right. (I'm bowing my head in shame here, people.)
I should've realized it was a security SCAM. My computer is now frozen in a state of WAIT, because when I clicked on the "Scan now" button, I apparently got some kind of Trojan virus. I called our IT guy and told him what had happened, did the few things he could tell me to do that "might" fix the situation, and am STILL WAITING for him to get in to the office and look at my desk computer and bring it back to a functional life. This happened on Friday, I might add.
Do you see my frustration here? Today is Wednesday! I've left the mess up on the monitor of my computer, waiting for him to come riding in and save my day, but he's absent. He said he'd try to get by before the end of the day Friday, but he might have to take my computer and work on it over the weekend to restore it. I WISH!
Thank goodness I, for some unknown reason, thought to bring my laptop from home into the office on Friday. I was able to connect to the internet via a cable, and am still trucking my laptop back and forth all this week. I'm placing a call to our IT guy, yet again, reminding him of the situation with my computer, and telling him to get in here and fix it. I'm having to go through so many mental and computer-jumping contortions just to function semi-normally here in the office that it's ridiculous.
Anybody want to place bets on how long it takes me to get my desktop computer back?