Slightly sarcastic, these are my thoughts on the things going on in MY world.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why? And Maybe

Why did I decide to start up a blog at this late stage of my life? I’m not certain that I have anything any different to add from what’s already out there, and I read daily, yet don’t comment on, many blogs. What can I say? I’m an information addict and a bookworm, to boot! Before I got texting on my phone (I know, I’m soooo current), I emailed constantly with my oldest daughter. I refuse to go the Facebook route, and don’t have the proper capabilities on my phone to Tweet, so blogging it shall be. I’ve been known to make many a short story into a long one. Who knows? Maybe I can increase my typing speed again, so that when I start job-hunting in early summer, I can claim to be a speedy typist! I can only hope.

Maybe this will only be an outlet for some of the frustration I deal with in my daily life. If that be the case, then welcome to my private therapy! Maybe I can amuse you, while saving myself from some stress and a potential ulcer.

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