Haven't even made it to lunchtime today, and my day is already headed down the tubes.
1. The Mister refused to get up easily this morning. Meaning lots of extra trips back upstairs to shake him and tell him to get in the shower. Wasted time on my part.
2. The Boy was unable to focus and help out with the morning tasks like he usually does. Which set me back in time for getting him organized and out the door and made my shower later than I wanted it to be. Then, he decides he doesn't need to leave at his normal time, yet yells at me while I'm in the shower about needing to do the paperwork for school picture day tomorrow. HUH?? Um, it's tomorrow - I can select the (overly expensive) package tonight and write the check. So at 15 minutes later than his normal departure time, I'm downstairs yelling, again, for him to turn off the mindless boob tube and get out the door for his walk to school.
3. Getting dressed for work, gathering food for lunch, walking the dog and brewing tea for the drive to work took me 30 minutes longer than yesterday. I knew this would put me into bad traffic. As I'm driving, I'm hearing traffic reports about the Beltway being backed up. Great. Can't win for losing here.
4. One of the roads I take to avoid traffic turned into gridlock this morning due to a ditz of a crossing guard holding up the main drag to let kids cross. I know they need to get to school, but a half-mile of cars would like to get past you, off this road and onto the rest of their drive to work! 15 minutes just to travel down 1.1 miles of this road. Need to check the school hours for these two schools so I can better avoid this mayhem in future.
5. There was an accident on another side street I use. Had traffic backed up (not as bad as it could, I'll grant), and blocked one lane in both directions on this road.
6. Finally make it to the Beltway, and as I'm driving I can hear my van clunking into gear (it's an automatic). Need to check the transmission fluid, again, since the Mister won't let me get a new vehicle until I get a "legitimate" job. Wonder just what I drive to every day?? I thought I had a job. Oh wait, he means a job with a future, as I'm one of the last employees left helping to close the company down.
7. And it's freezing in my office. I put on my office sweater OVER the sweater I wore to work.
It's gonna be a long day, folks.
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