Slightly sarcastic, these are my thoughts on the things going on in MY world.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Yo-Yo Momma

My boss is out of the office all this week (see previous post), so I'll be the first person to arrive in the office every morning. What is it with senior citizens and being early birds? He gets to work most days by 7:30 or so - one day last week he woke up extra early and decided to drive on in to work. He lives 25 miles away, and he was at work by 6 am! Yes, you read that right.

At 6 am, I'm still in my pjs and robe, doing the morning routine in my kitchen, packing lunch for the Mister and filling a go cup and travel thermos so he can stay caffeinated all day. He wants to get up at 5 and be gone by 6, but that would be in a perfect world, and I've yet to meet someone who lives there. (Especially when he chugs Cokes late at night, boredeom eats whatever he can find that's quick and easy (and probably fat-filled and high-calorie, too) and doesn't come to bed until close to midnight.)

So, back to this week. The Boy is starting middle school after Labor Day, and this week is a "summer academy" where the kids can go in and walk around the school, meet teachers, counselors and advisors and become more comfortable with the whole middle school environment. Starts at 8:30 and goes til 12 every day this week. (I have NO idea what they'll specifically be doing every day - it was very organized when I left him there this morning.) My days will consist of dropping him off, driving to work, keeping busy til I leave at 11:30 to go get him and drop him at his next location for the rest of the day, and rushing back to the office, so I can eat lunch at my desk, work some more, and leave to go pick him up. Fortunate for me the boss is gone this week, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't know how to explain all this yo-yoing otherwise. Once home, it's prepare dinner, clean up, run some laundry through the machine, take the dog out 2-3 times, possibly go to the store, possibly get online and noodle around, or maybe read some on my KindleDX. I need to check into the TV schedule to see when my few favorite shows are starting back up, so I can work them into my evening schedule, such as it is.

And if you're asking where the Mister is during all this household mayhem? He's been downstairs playing Skylanders with The Boy, or watching TV, or over at his parents' house studying for a certification test he's due to take (they're gone, so their house is quiet). Help me out? Nope, that's what The Girl is for! Females unite, or maybe go on strike.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today, my boss is traveling - headed out west - and I decided to play hooky for the day and stay home and do some things I haven't gotten to in a looong time.

I have a clothes tree in my room (a tension rod that goes between the floor and ceiling, with 3 bars off of it and one smaller hook), and a 6-hook over-the-door rack on my closet that have been groaning and occasionally throwing my clothes off due to the heavy load I have asked them to bear. After fortifying myself with several cups of coffee (go, caffeine!!) and a half a bagel (just to keep the acid from totally wrecking my stomach), I started in on my clothes.

I found:

5 pajamas / nightgowns
4 pair shorts
2 pair dress pants
1 pair palazzo pants (used for church choir and handbell performances)
1 pair embroidered capris
4 skirts
11 dresses
1 corduroy jumper
2 blue jean shirts
9 dressy tops
15 casual tops / turtlenecks
11 sweaters / cardigans
6 tank tops
2 exercise tanks
8 "slimmer" camisoles (I think some of these need to go - pilled and torn)

My bed currently looks like my closet was unloaded on it (nope, haven't touched the closet yet!), or I'm packing for a long extended trip. But the physical and visual clutter that had taken over one end of my bedroom is well on its way to being put in its proper home, and hopefully this will mean that I can be a better organized person in the morning, who can actually find what she's looking for in her wardrobe and have more wardrobe options to boot!

Next step: working on the shoe heap.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Well, apparently my CPU was so old that it couldn't be saved. So I'm functioning with a 3-year old CPU that the IT guy found in our computer graveyard. He managed to import "almost" everything that I need to function at the office from the old CPU to the new one, but I've lost my barn owl tile that I had on my desktop. Funny how it's the little things you miss more than the truly functional ones.

I had to send an email to him earlier today to ask about two situations that still needed to be resolved. He "phoned it in" and asked me to provide him remote access to my desktop computer so that he could fix them. (I tell you, he's a real piece of work!) And watching my screen go black as he worked his alleged magic from wherever he was was a bit creepy - I felt like my desktop was possessed - it was doing stuff, and I wasn't the one doing it!

After he fixed (yes, he did - he's good, even if I don't personally like the guy) the two situations, I made sure to take off the remote access permission, and changed passwords on the packages he'd been helping me with. I feel like that was the smart thing to do. Especially since one of them was my personal email, that I'm having to use as both my boss's and my business email, since our email server has died, never to come back again.