Slightly sarcastic, these are my thoughts on the things going on in MY world.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today, my boss is traveling - headed out west - and I decided to play hooky for the day and stay home and do some things I haven't gotten to in a looong time.

I have a clothes tree in my room (a tension rod that goes between the floor and ceiling, with 3 bars off of it and one smaller hook), and a 6-hook over-the-door rack on my closet that have been groaning and occasionally throwing my clothes off due to the heavy load I have asked them to bear. After fortifying myself with several cups of coffee (go, caffeine!!) and a half a bagel (just to keep the acid from totally wrecking my stomach), I started in on my clothes.

I found:

5 pajamas / nightgowns
4 pair shorts
2 pair dress pants
1 pair palazzo pants (used for church choir and handbell performances)
1 pair embroidered capris
4 skirts
11 dresses
1 corduroy jumper
2 blue jean shirts
9 dressy tops
15 casual tops / turtlenecks
11 sweaters / cardigans
6 tank tops
2 exercise tanks
8 "slimmer" camisoles (I think some of these need to go - pilled and torn)

My bed currently looks like my closet was unloaded on it (nope, haven't touched the closet yet!), or I'm packing for a long extended trip. But the physical and visual clutter that had taken over one end of my bedroom is well on its way to being put in its proper home, and hopefully this will mean that I can be a better organized person in the morning, who can actually find what she's looking for in her wardrobe and have more wardrobe options to boot!

Next step: working on the shoe heap.

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