Slightly sarcastic, these are my thoughts on the things going on in MY world.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Itchy & Flaky - And We're Not Talking About My Head

So, if you're looking for a discussion about dandruff - bye! Cuz this ain't it. I'm suffering with a bad case of the winter dry-skin itchies. We have gas heat, which is great for keeping you warm - it totally beats a heat pump - but dries your skin something terrible if you don't have a humidifier attached to your furnace. We have one, but it's not currently functioning; that, or we've forgotten to check it or turn it on or buy a new water filter - any or all of the previously mentioned things.

While we've definitely had some colder than usual temperatures this winter, it hasn't seemed as bad as last year's Snowmageddon, which had the kids around here actually wanting to go back to school, they'd been out on winter break so long! This winter has been the year of the little snows, little but frequent. Like weekly.

All this is to say that I haven't a clue as to what is causing my poor hands to be so red and itchy, and my arms and legs to be so flaky and itchy. I do know, however, that I need to find something to fix it, and fast! Lotions, potions, oils, creams, shoot, I've even tried vaseline! Some work for a little while, and some things just seem to make my hands even redder - perfumes, maybe? I never knew I was such a delicate person. Unless you want to attribute my suddenly dry skin to my age, in which case I'm going to pretend that my eyesight is worse than it is and I can't see you through my glasses!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


You know those people who drive like they're better than everyone else - and feel like the laws somehow don't apply to them? Dislike them with a passion, don't you? Come on, be honest here - it's just you and me. I talk to other drivers from inside my car, knowing full well and good that those arrogant so-and-so's can't hear me; but if it makes me feel better, I'm going with it.

Today I witnessed one of them get their comeuppance. Sorry if you think I'm petty, but it brought a small smile to my face, once I'd passed the incident. There's been lots of construction, lane changes and new traffic lights added on my route home from work. It's a big road, leading to a major highway - you'd better believe that U-turns are not permitted - yet I've been witness to WAY too many of them lately. Where's a cop when you need one? Today, he was there.

Driver in a red vehicle, from a traffic light, in front of said officer sitting in the median in an unmarked car, makes a U-turn, just to sit at another traffic light, and then proceeds to reverse and pull forward a few times to adjust their lane position. Officer just sits there, and when the light changes, he turns on his flashing lights, gives a few whoops with the siren, and pulls the red vehicle over. Like I said, it's a small thing, but it's nice to see a little balance in this unbalanced world.

Some Cheese With My Whine

Mr. Snark-It is on business travel this week. While I admit I am a complainer, often silently (oh, the conversations I have in my head!), sometimes not, about what he does or doesn't do around the house, I always find myself vastly appreciative of him when he's NOT around. If only I could carry it forward to when he IS home.

Yesterday was one of those days - guess it was payback for having had Monday off. Just enough of a dusting of icy sleet and snow to delay school for two hours, thus putting me arriving at work close to lunchtime! And I knew I was going to have to skip out a bit early due to the aforementioned Mr.'s travel to pick up Snark-Boy from SACC. Add to that a music lesson for S-B, and a needed grocery run, and my day was already looking a mite crazy. But, I needed one more thing on my plate to push the envelope over to full-fledged nuts. Of course, I got it.

My wonderful mother had spent Monday assisting me with some much-needed home picking & putting. She came back on Tuesday to finish putting my living room back to rights after Christmas (we have a "box tree" - wanna make something of it??), and she planned to wash my tile floor in the kitchen and foyer. Imagine my surprise upon receiving a call telling me that the power had gone off! (Snark-Girl, who's home from school, now informs me she's going to go to her other grandparent's house to do some computer work. She may or may not be home later, we'll see what the power does.) Did I have a number to call to report it? Nope, not on me, although we'd just gone through this exercise last month with a 36-hour power outage in our neighborhood.

Sneak away from work early, get S-B from SACC, and head home. Yup, power's still off. Okay, so no leftovers reheated in the microwave for dinner - guess we'll be eating sandwiches. Need to get going on S-B's homework, so I drag together all my candles and flashlights and rig up a hanging flashlight attached to my kitchen table light and start him on his work. It's not perfect, but it works. Then, the power is magically restored! Hurray! Quick run at the microwave for dinner. S-G comes home to grab clothes and other necessary items for school, and decides to stay overnight, even though the power is obviously on. Dinner done, now let's get out the door for the music lesson. While he's there, I walk down to the grocery store and get my few items. Back to Music & Arts, where I steal a few minutes with my beloved KindleDX. Lesson over - a few minutes in discussion with the instructor, and we're headed back home. Maybe we can squeeze in some more homework.

Wrong. The lights are off again! We go though this THREE more times throughout the night, before they finally get the power restored (I hope I hope I hope) about 5:30 this morning! Got my shower, coffee started and S-B woken up and dosed with his meds. Okay, now for both of us to get dressed so I can get the dog out. Downstairs and let's do breakfast and pack lunches. Power's STILL on. Keep on truckin' through the morning routine, and... we're out the door.

It remains to be seen whether the power has fritzed while I'm off at work. It always amazes me how much we take things for granted - until we DON'T have them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Temperature Game

Part of Snark-Boy’s morning routine happens on the very short drive to the elementary school. It starts before the key is cranked in the van engine. I have a “computer” of sorts in my van – it tells me direction, outside temperature, distance to empty for my gas consumption, and other things of that ilk. So, we each guess a temperature, and then check to see who is that morning’s “winner”. I don’t know, am I teaching him awareness of his surroundings, fair play, or just what? It’s been an ongoing thing for almost this whole school year. He reminds me of it every morning, even when I don't necessarily want to play.

Today’s guesses: Mom – 64. Snark-Boy – 48. Actual temp – 54. Winner: Snark-Boy.

Just a small glimpse into my day. You’re welcome!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So, as I intimated yesterday, I’m not the most “of-the-moment” person with regards to technology. I’ve only been texting for 14 months, but I’m pretty speedy with my thumbs, and I do like the phone I have. I should, as with all things in my life, I researched it about to death before making the final decision! Mr. Snark-It has a laptop (can’t remember exactly why he decided he needed one), and has managed to set up a network for the several computers we have in our house on multiple floors. I’d love to have one, but that’s no more than a desire at the moment. We're trying to only get stuff that is a need, as the job I am currently in has an end date in July, and I will be seriously job hunting come late spring. With iffy finances, we’re saving bucks where we can! I do have an iPod, albeit a classic, which I find to be quite solid and secure, even though I seriously doubt I’ll ever fill the thing up! And, with working, all the running around and tending to my household that I do, I wind up having Snark-Girl do all the uploading of CDs to it, and she locates cover art for me as well. Spoiled? Only sometimes.

With the above paragraph out of the way – introduction done – if I were to decide to start a Twitter account (in 2012, of course!), what suggestions for a phone would you offer? I currently have an LG Env3, and I like the inside screen and full QWERTY keyboard. When you wear glasses, you appreciate things that are just that mite bit bigger, saving yourself from eyestrain! Oh, we run on Verizon, and I don’t see Mr. Snark-It moving away from that.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why? And Maybe

Why did I decide to start up a blog at this late stage of my life? I’m not certain that I have anything any different to add from what’s already out there, and I read daily, yet don’t comment on, many blogs. What can I say? I’m an information addict and a bookworm, to boot! Before I got texting on my phone (I know, I’m soooo current), I emailed constantly with my oldest daughter. I refuse to go the Facebook route, and don’t have the proper capabilities on my phone to Tweet, so blogging it shall be. I’ve been known to make many a short story into a long one. Who knows? Maybe I can increase my typing speed again, so that when I start job-hunting in early summer, I can claim to be a speedy typist! I can only hope.

Maybe this will only be an outlet for some of the frustration I deal with in my daily life. If that be the case, then welcome to my private therapy! Maybe I can amuse you, while saving myself from some stress and a potential ulcer.